Sunday, January 25, 2009

Little Peanut

We are now making it public knowledge that we are expecting another little Mitchell this August!! We are excited and wanted to share with everyone our great news. We have seen the baby's heartbeat and so far all is going well. The LORD is good and whatever his will is for this little one we are content in it.


Mandi said...

PRAISE GOD!!! You have just made my day, week, whatever! I am so happy for all of you and will be praying for you all! Miss ya'll!

Tiffany said...

YAY!!! I'm so excited for you! We'll keep you in our prayers! We can't wait to meet the little one!
Hope you're feeling good :)

The Walters' Family said...

ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL NEWS!! I still remember you sharing you heart during a playgroup at Southern Hills Gymnasium about how much you guys desired another Lil' Mitchell. August babies are super special! I had two in August...Carlie 8/12 (2003) and most recently Ellie 8/3 (2008). Love you so much sweet sister!

Whitney said...

Hey! I don't know if you remember me but I'm friends with Dorothy and we talked one time at a play group at Southern Hills gym (right after I found out I was pregnant) about you trying for while and Dr. Tadvick, etc.


Whitney said...

I just read Dorothy's comment... so funny that we were thinking of the same conversation!

Jessica said...

Super congratulations, Emma, we're very happy for you! (Will you be stateside for the delivery?) Hope you're feeling well!

Mitchell Family said...

Thank you for your sweet comments ladies. We appreciate your prayers too. I am feeling OK-- just the usual nauseous and very, very tired, but as you know, it is worth it!
Hey Whitney, good to hear from you. I checked out your blog and it was good to see all went well with your pregnancy and you and your family are doing well. I wish I was with Dr. Tadvick with this one, but all is going well so far and I see a midwife next week for a checkup so I am looking forward to that.
Hi Jessica, yes, we should be stateside for the delivery. We leave here June 25th, spend a week in Hawaii and then on to Texas for a few weeks and then Alabama. So, if all goes as it should, I should be just about ready to deliver when we arrive in Alabama.
Hope all of you are doing well. We miss you guys!

The Cochran Clan said...

Congrats!!!! I am sorry, but I haven't been on the computer in the last couple of months because of being sick. I am so excited for you!!!!! When is your actual due date. How fun to be pregnant together. We are so excited for you guys. Keep us posted on how things are going!!!!

Baby McMinn said...

Yeah another baby and I heard yall will be moving right before the baby is born. Congrats glad yall will be back in the states.
We will be praying for yall.